

Կապույտ, թախծոտ մեղեդին

Blue Melody - Tim Buckley RememberedBlue Melody - Tim Buckley Remembered by Lee Underwood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tim Buckley became an inspiration and forever seized me with his music from the very first time I heard it...

I have read some biographies and autobiographical books, and I've always enjoyed them, but Lee Underwood's "Blue Melody" is unlike anything I've read before. It's actually one of the most beautiful, inspiring, luminous, influential and unforgettable books I've ever read, one that does change a person, a life.  It's an utterly, unbelievably honest tale of life and love, anger and compassion, joy and grief. It's so, so, so human, so tender and so touching. It's as beautiful and fair as Lee's guitar solo in the middle of "Chase the Blues Away" on Live at the Troubadour 1969. :)

I would love to have a chance to say "thank you" to Mr. Underwood for this book and, of course, for his invaluable contribution to and influence on Tim Buckley music.

I would recommend the book to absolutely everyone, even to people, who have never heard Tim's music. But for those who find the latter close to their soul, it's a must-read: it made me to discover and re-discover Tim's music again and again, deeply and truly appreciate all of the musical phases he passed through... The book expanded my musical horizons unlike anything, and maybe it will become a great help in my own musical endeavours.


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p.s. Գրքում մի հատված կա, որ շատ եմ ուզում թարգմանել ու տեղադրել էստեղ քեզ համար: :) Coming soon.